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From the President...


I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our 2013-2014 members, new members, and especially to the Class of 2018! This year NAACP will continue to make our community as inclusive as possible, through new collaborations, thought provoking discussions relative to the minority ethnic community, various community service events as well as social events on campus. NAACP will also be very active in promoting civic engagement all across Eastern Illinois University and within the greater black community beyond EIU gates. Although, our NAACP Image Awards Banquet, and The Humpty Hump will surely provide some of the greatest memories of the year, I hope you will also enjoy and remember the conversations, fellowships, and camaraderie that is truly the foundation of NAACP and the African American community at large. Lastly, no matter how hard our board works, the NAACP is ultimately what you all make of it. The passion and enthusiasm all our members bring to constantly better the black community is key to making this year a success, and I can’t wait to see what we can do this year!




Corinthian Bethel, Chapter President


We have  Committee Chair Positions




Vacant- Committee Chair Position

- Press& Publicity Chair

- Political Action Chair



Click below for the application.



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